L’intervento psicodinamico multiplo nella scuola di Daniele Biondo, Maria Teresa Devito, Maria Patti, Concetta Rotondo



Secondo gli Autori, se c’è stata una carenza nella vita relazionale e affettiva dell’adolescente, soprattutto in riferimento alla funzione paterna, il processo verso l’indipendenza dalla realtà interna e la capacità di pensare e di progettare il Sé ne risentiranno notevolmente. Nella scuola circolano intense fantasie collegabili alle angosce dei diversi protagonisti. Gli Autori, riferendo un intervento, documentano il valore del modello psicodinamico multiplo che, senza rinunciare a confrontarsi con la complessità multifattoriale del contesto scolastico, permette di mantenere il focus del proprio intervento nell’intreccio fra dimensione intrapsichica inconscia dell’adolescente e dimensione intersoggettiva.

Parole chiave: Disturbi dell’apprendimento; dispersione scolastica; relazione educativa; gruppo classe; modello psicodinamico multiplo; sportello psicologico; fantasia.


The school as crossroads of unconscious fantasies. The Authors hold that deficiencies in the adolescent’s affective and relational life, especially those concerning the father’s function, are likely to damage the acquisition of indipendence from the inner reality as well as the capacity to conceive and project the Self. Strong fantasies, eventually related to the anguishes of the various protagonists -castration anguish, growing up anguish, integration anguish- along with the wish to avoid thinking through anawareness, circulate in schools.The Authors prove the value of the multiple psychodynamic model thanks to which the intervention can be steadily focused on the intertwining of the intrapsychic subconscious dimension with the intersubjective one. The report of the intervention within the double dual/ group clinical axis of the multiple psychodynamic model, on behalf of an adolescent showing serious problems at school, at home and in his own class, is used to effectively show how school becomes the place where cross projections among students, teachers, parents and head-teachers take place.

Key words: Learning disorders; school dropout; educational relationship; school; class group; multiple psychodynamic model; subconscious fantasies; student-teacher relationshio; psychic care service.


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