Si esaminano le funzioni e i rischi difensivi della diagnosi in adolescenza, diagnosi vista come processo conoscitivo tra quel giovane paziente e quel terapeuta. Anche l’eventuale necessario intervento psicofarmacologico, che può costringere a ipotesi diagnostiche precocemente, viene visto come integrato e integratore del processo conoscitivo psicoanalitico. Vengono riportati tre esempi clinici.
Parole chiave: Diagnosi in adolescenza; funzioni; rischi difensivi; integrazione farmacologica.
The functions and the defensive risks of the diagnosis. The aim of this paper is to discuss both the functions and the defensive risks of the diagnostic process in adolescence. In this context, diagnosis will be considered as a process self-knowledge taking place between the young patient and the therapist. The possible need of psychopharmacological intervention within therapy, which may force the therapist to a possibly premature diagnosis, is also described for its integrative value within the psychoanalytic self-knowledge process. Three clinical vignettes will be reported and discussed.
Keywords: Diagnosis in adolescence; functions; defensive risks; pharmacological integration.
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